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形式追随时尚?Viktoria Lytra 以剪贴画结合建筑与时尚

形式追随时尚?Viktoria Lytra 以剪贴画结合建筑与时尚 - Image 6 of 4
Pleats till now were considered to be garments’ element. However, pleating in architecture creates unconventional forms such as the Reggio Emilia train station in Italy designed by the famous architect Santiago Calatrava. Image Courtesy of Viktoria Al. Lytra

希腊建筑师 Viktoria Lytra 创作了一系列拼贴画为探索建筑与服装间的互动关系。“形式追随时尚”行动(FormFollowsFashion)探讨建筑与服装的共同目标:为人体提供庇护,将美学作为建筑与服装设计的新途径。

Lytra 的拼贴系列将多种艺术运动及风格如极简主义、解构主义和后现代主义的特点,用阵列、折叠、曲线、印花和扭曲等几何特征表现出来。