


细思恐极!恐怖建筑摄影合集 - 更多图片+ 9

The Barn / ZIEGLER Antonin architecte

The Barn / ZIEGLER Antonin architect

The Focal Length / RENESA Architecture Design Interiors Studio

The Focal Length / RENESA Architecture Design Interiors Studio

The Sports Pavilion / Horomystudio

The Sports Pavilion / Horomystudio

Tobogan House / Z4Z4 AAA

Tobogan House / Z4Z4 AAA

Tree-ness House / Akihisa Hirata

Tree-ness House / Akihisa Hirata

Baladrar House / Langarita Navarro Arquitectos

Baladrar House / Langarita Navarro Arquitectos

Beijing ‘Tsuo’ / Wonder Architects

Beijing ‘Tsuo’ / Wonder Architects

DD16 / BIO-architects

DD16 / BIO-architects

Les Lumieres a la Campagne / Arch Studio 314

Les Lumieres a la Campagne / Arch Studio 314

Three Apartments in Madrid / Fast and Furious Production Office

Three Apartments in Madrid / Fast and Furious Production Office

Shelton Marshall Residence / El Dorado

Shelton Marshall Residence / El Dorado

Espinar House / Miguel de Guzmán + Veidimanna Protum

Espinar House / Miguel de Guzmán + Veidimanna Protum

Choreographed Performance at Farnsworth House Explores “Queer Space” in the Work of Mies van der Rohe

Choreographed Performance at Farnsworth House Explores “Queer Space” in the Work of Mies van der Rohe.jpg


引用: Montano, Zoë. "细思恐极!恐怖建筑摄影合集" [Scary People in Architectural Photography] 02 11月 2018. ArchDaily. (Trans. Han, Shuang) Accesed . <https://www.archdaily.cn/cn/905068/xi-si-kong-ji-kong-bu-jian-zhu-she-ying-he-ji>



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