

Concept Drawing for Vidhyadhar Nagar Masterplan . Image Courtesy of Pritzker Architecture Prize

巴克里希纳·多西Balkrishna Doshi),别称B.V.多西或多西,是今年普利兹克奖获奖提名者之一。他的作品类型广泛,涉足教育类、文化类、公共行政类以及住宅类项目,与他对建筑文化的贡献相匹配——艾哈迈达巴建筑学院的建立(现已更名为环境规划与技术中心)到自然环境权利法案的共同编写,以及其他等等。不过,他生动地描绘表达出的概念图纸,总是会展示建筑师与建筑、历史、传统、文化与现代的关系。

11张手绘草图,了解巴克里希纳·多西建筑风 - 更多图片+ 6

他个人工作室Sangath桑珈的拱形遮篷到Vidhyadhar Nagar 总体规划的概念学习,多西的图画似乎透过了印度本地人的镜头,过滤了现代主义者的空想。这些纯粹主义般的绘画,糅合了叙事、象征主义以及莫卧儿(Mughal微观自然绘画中的朝气蓬勃,反映着他与柯布西耶共事、合作的峥嵘岁月。在阿冉亚低收入住房项目的概念草图中, 他采用翻转性的街景轴测图表现历史寓言故事。画中有商贩、交通工具以及大众生活场景——体现处多西建筑中现代性与传统的协调。这些草图不仅讲述了他建筑中蕴藏的品质,也诉说了在建筑师内心的品质。


Concept Drawing of Sangath Studio. Image Courtesy of Pritzker Architecture Prize
Section Sketch of Sangath Studio. Image Courtesy of Pritzker Architecture Prize
Concept Drawing for Aranya Social Housing. Image Courtesy of Pritzker Architecture Prize
Sketch of Aranya Social Housing. Image Courtesy of Pritzker Architecture Prize
Elevation of Aranya Social Housing. Image Courtesy of Pritzker Architecture Prize
Sketch of CEPT. Image Courtesy of Pritzker Architecture Prize
Sketch of CEPT. Image Courtesy of Pritzker Architecture Prize
Sketch of Premabhai Hall. Image Courtesy of Pritzker Architecture Prize
Sketch of Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. Image Courtesy of Pritzker Architecture Prize

Who is Balkrishna (B.V.) Doshi? 12 Things to Know About the 2018 Pritzker Laureate

B.V. Doshi, one of modern Indian architecture's most celebrated practitioners, was born in Pune, India in 1927. Nearly 90 years later, the Pritzker Prize jury chose Doshi as the 2018 Laureate. Get to know about Doshi's history-including his close relationship to the legendary Le Corbusier-in this list of interesting facts.


引用: Hernández, Diego. "11张手绘草图,了解巴克里希纳·多西建筑风" [B.V. Doshi's Drawings Reveal the Identity of His Work] 19 3月 2018. ArchDaily. (Trans. Han, Shuang) Accesed . <https://www.archdaily.cn/cn/890914/11zhang-shou-hui-cao-tu-liao-jie-ba-ke-li-xi-na-star-duo-xi-jian-zhu-feng>



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