在去年秋季获得纽约市地标保存委员会(New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission)的批准后,Studio Gang的美国自然历史博物馆(American Museum of Natural History)扩建计划正处于动工前的准备阶段,据纽约 YIMBY 报道,该项目的许可证已提交给楼宇局(Department of Buildings)。

“我们发现了一种能大大优化访客流线和博物馆功能的方法,同时利用了人们对科学象征意义的探索和挖掘的渴望,” Studio Gang创始人Jeanne Gang在2015年发表设计时说道。“进入空间后,从上方倾泻而下的自然光线,以及访客望向不同活动的实现,吸引人们穿过中央展览厅(Central Exhibition Hall),进入更深入了解的旅程。该建筑的设计源于博物馆职能。”

该项目中的其他合作伙伴包括Ralph Appelbaum Associates的Ralph Appelbaum(展览设计),景观设计公司Reed Hilderbrand以及Davis Brody Bond Architects。
新闻来自 纽约 YIMBY, 美国自然历史博物馆.
Jeanne Gang to Expand New York's American Museum of Natural History
A conceptual design by Studio Gang was unveiled today as the preferred expansion to the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York. The proposed building, named the Richard Gilder Center for Science, Education, and Innovation, aims to host an array of public exhibition space as well as become a premier "active scientific and educational institution" that enhances connections with the existing Museum and encourages exploration amongst its users.