

罗伯特·文丘里(Robert Venturi),著名后现代主义建筑师,美国建筑的领袖人物,于本周二去世,享年93岁。在文丘里诸多荣誉之中,1991年获得普利策建筑奖美国建筑师协会(AIA)会员,以及英国皇家建筑师协会(RIBA)荣誉成员,是重中之重。文丘里在1964年成立了自己的事务所,与他的妻子,也是他的合伙人丹尼斯·斯科特·布朗(Denise Scott Brown)一起从1967年运营至2012年。他的遗产将继续在该事务所VSBA(Venturi Scott Brown Associates)的名下保存。

Vanna Venturi House. Image © Maria Buszek


在给《建筑师报》(The Architect's Newspaper)的声明中,文丘里家族表示:

“罗伯特·文丘里,世界建筑大师之一,于93岁溘然长辞。星期二他于家中略有抱恙,安详离世。他们会在之后几天提供有关文丘里一生的较为详尽的说明,而现在,丹尼斯·斯科特·布朗和詹姆斯·文丘里(James Venturi)请求我们尊重他们在哀悼期间不被打扰的愿望。”

© Frank Hanswijk



Franklin Court. Image © Mark Cohn

文丘里因为年事已高,于2012年正式退休,斯科特·布朗则继续在事务所执业。事务所目前已由Daniel McVoubrey主持。事务所的许多项目近期陷入了一些危机。圣地亚哥的当代艺术博物馆最近经历了一场影响广泛的保护战,而他位于匹兹堡(Pittsburgh)的艾布拉姆斯宅(Abrams House)则已经在今年的8月1日被拆除。


Spotlight: Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown

Through their pioneering theory and provocative built work, husband and wife duo Robert Venturi (born June 25, 1925) and Denise Scott Brown (born October 3, 1931) were at the forefront of the postmodern movement, leading the charge in one of the most significant shifts in architecture of the 20th century by publishing seminal books such as Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture (authored by Robert Venturi alone) and Learning from Las Vegas (co-authored by Venturi, Scott Brown and Steven Izenour).

Love in Las Vegas: 99% Invisible Illuminates Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown's Postmodern Romance

Which building is better, the duck or the ornamented shed? More importantly, what kind of architecture does the average American prefer? In their landmark 1972 publication Learning From Las Vegas, Denise Scott Brown and Robert Venturi probed these questions by turning their back on paternalistic modernism in favor of the glowing, overtly kitsch, and symbolic Mecca of the Las Vegas strip.

Interview: Robert Venturi & Denise Scott Brown, by Andrea Tamas

Back in August 2009, architect Andrea Tamas interviewed Robert Venturi & Denise Scott Brown . Today, we share with you the complete interview. Read it after the break. Denise Scott Brown - DSB Robert Venturi - RV Andrea Tamas - AT AT: Over the last few years, your son Jim Venturi has been producing a documentary called "Learning from Bob and Denise."

AD Classics: Vanna Venturi House / Robert Venturi

11 Text description provided by the architects. Most critics usually regard consistency in architecture an important aspect of the design. However in the Vanna Venturi House Robert Venturi took the road less travelled and tested complexity and contradiction in architecture, going against the norm.

引用: Allen, Katherine. "后现代主义建筑之父罗伯特·文丘里逝世!享年93岁" [Robert Venturi Passes Away at 93] 20 9月 2018. ArchDaily. (Trans. 韩双羽) Accesed . <https://www.archdaily.cn/cn/902356/hou-xian-dai-zhu-yi-jian-zhu-zhi-fu-luo-bo-te-star-wen-qiu-li-shi-shi-xiang-nian-93sui>



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