

埃罗·沙里宁(Eero Saarinen)标志性的TWA航站楼已经完成改造,升级成为全新的TWA酒店。这是一个重大的里程碑,意味着项目现在已经达到一个顶峰。

沙里宁“TWA航站楼”改造进行中,完成后的酒店将拥有世界最大的大堂 - 更多图片+ 6

MCR CEO Tyler Morse and Turner Construction's Rick Faustini and Gary McAssey standing next to the north hotel tower crane with ceremonial flags. Image © Max Touhey



Future TWA Hotel Grand Ballroom. Image © Max Touhey
Workers and partners fill the Saarinen terminal building at the topping out event. Image © Max Touhey
Workers pour concrete on top floor of north hotel structure. Image © Max Touhey

“自从TWA酒店在不到一年前开始与科莫州长进行开创性合作的时候,我们的团队就开始为沙里宁的TWA航站楼注入新活力而努力工作了,意图开发世界上最具标志性的酒店之一,”MCR和Morse发展集团的首席执行官Tyler Morse讲道,“这一突破让我们离复兴这个珍贵的标志性建筑的目标又近了一步,有机会将它重新开放给公众。感谢所有人在过去的一年里为我们的政府、工人和建设所提供的支持,我们期待着在2019年能够欢迎所有的人到TWA酒店来。”


New TWA Lounge Opens as Construction Moves Forward on Hotel Transformation

A new space has been given a retro makeover while a historic one is racing towards modernization as work continues on the transformation of Eero Saarinen's iconic TWA Terminal into a luxury hotel and event space. Just completed is the TWA Lounge, a satellite space for the hotel located on the 86th floor of One World Trade Center.

AD Classics: TWA Terminal / Eero Saarinen

17 Text description provided by the architects. If you have ever flown in or out of the John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, you may have experienced or noticed Eero Saarinen's Trans World Flight Center. Even in the hustle and bustle of a busy airport, the building deserves more than just a passing glance.


引用: Lynch, Patrick. "沙里宁“TWA航站楼”改造进行中,完成后的酒店将拥有世界最大的大堂" [Hotel Transformation of Saarinen's TWA Terminal Tops Out] 30 12月 2017. ArchDaily. (Trans. 韩双羽) Accesed . <https://www.archdaily.cn/cn/886375/sha-li-zhu-twahang-zhan-lou-gai-zao-jin-xing-zhong-wan-cheng-hou-de-jiu-dian-jiang-yong-you-shi-jie-zui-da-de-da-tang>



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