

在史蒂夫乔布斯礼堂(Steve Jobs Theatre)正式开放之前,这座位于加利福尼亚州库珀蒂诺的新苹果总部园区中心的,可容纳1000人的礼堂已被披露了不少设计和建造细节。据 Bloomberg 报道,礼堂的入口处位于“一个银色圆盘”下方。银盘以大面积的玻璃墙幕支撑,看不见一根支柱,让银盘看似悬浮在离地6米的空中。

Section. Image Courtesy of City of Cupertino (Via MacRumors)

两个“定制”的旋转电梯将会把乘客带入四层的地下空间。乘客们将会从同一扇门到达并离开,电梯将会绕着外墙运行。Bloomberg 的文章评论道:“对于苹果公司,尽管单门的工程技术更为复杂,但单门的最终效果比起双门显得更加优雅简洁。”

Steve Jobs Theater. Image © Duncan Sinfield

在演讲台上,一面室内墙“模糊地遮挡了浮碟底下的中空空间”,在官方主题发布后,它将移开并揭晓产品的展示空间。Bloomberg 在报道更提到:“一名工程师在今年3月时透露,大楼中每个真皮座椅的成本花费1.4万美元(相当于人民币约91,637元)。”

新闻来自 Bloomberg, MacRumors

Apple Campus 2 Held to "Fantastical" Standard of Detail, New Report Reveals

As the finishing touches are applied to the long-awaited Apple Campus 2 (due to be completed in spring of this year), a new report from Reuters has revealed the fantastical strive for perfection demanded by Apple's in-house project management team.

The Spaceship Has Landed: Apple's New Campus Opens

"It's a pretty amazing building. It's a little like a spaceship landed" - Steve Jobs WIRED has published an in-depth article exclusively detailing Apple's new headquarters that has now opened in Cupertino, California.

Drone Video Captures Apple Campus 2 as Employees Begin Move-In

With employees beginning to move into Apple's Campus 2 this month, the Foster + Partners-designed main building is down to its finishing touches, as shown in this drone video captured by aerial videographer Matthew Roberts. Also nearing completion are the solar-panel-covered parking garage and the F&D facility, with the Steve Jobs Theater expected to follow sometime this summer.

引用: AD Editorial Team. "苹果新品发布倒计时!提前来“悬浮飞碟—乔布斯礼堂”踩点" 12 9月 2017. ArchDaily. Accesed . <https://www.archdaily.cn/cn/879365/jie-mi-qiao-bu-si-ju-yuan-jian-zhu-xi-jie-zuo-yi-quan-zhen-pi-ke-yi-mai-14tai-iphone8>



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