
让·努维尔将改变纽约天际线,公布 53W53 摩天大楼效果图及施工现场图

由普利兹克建筑奖获得者让·努维尔(Jean Nouvel)设计的 53W53 项目发布了最新的效果图,预计明年将完成这座共82层楼的第58层建设。这幅效果图反映了这座新坐标的整体设计,让我们看到了极具造型感的逐渐纤细的形态,以及位于塔楼之下毗邻现代艺术博物馆(Museum of Modern Art)并作为其扩建部分的三层展厅。

随着 53W53 在纽约的不断建设,目前所呈现的混凝土骨架基本形成了裸露的结构系统,也正是努维尔所说的如“斜肋构架(diagrid)”般的塔楼剪影。而它将会是一首赞歌,一首赠与那些已然为纽约城市风景增添光彩的标志性建筑的赞歌。

让·努维尔将改变纽约天际线,公布 53W53 摩天大楼效果图及施工现场图 - 更多图片+ 9


图片来自 Hayes Davidson
图片来自 Hayes Davidson

这座高耸入云的1050英尺(约320米)高层豪华公寓楼,将改变横穿整个中央公园(Central Park)和曼哈顿的天际线。145间住宅的居民将感受到努维尔为他们设计的绝佳体验,将享有17,000平方英尺(约1590平方米)的垂直花园以及 MoMA 所提供的其他福利。

新闻来自: Jean Nouvel 53W53.

Jean Nouvel's Tower Verre Finally Ready to Break Ground

Jean Nouvel's long-awaited 53 West 53rd Street, also known as the Tower Verre or the MoMA Tower, may finally be ready to move ahead with construction after the project's developer Hines purchased $85.3 million worth of air rights from its neighbors MoMA and the St Thomas Episcopal Church and arranged the $860 million construction loan required for the project.

City Shortens Nouvel's 53rd Street Tower

A few weeks ago, we shared Jean Nouvel's design for 53 West 53rd Street, a 1,250 foot project that would dominate the site. Reactions to the project were different across the board as some felt the tower would push New York forward in the architectural world, whereas others did not agree with the scale or aesthetic of the project.


引用: Thorns, Ella. "让·努维尔将改变纽约天际线,公布 53W53 摩天大楼效果图及施工现场图" [New Renderings Have Been Released for Jean Nouvel's Latest New York Skyscraper] 24 9月 2017. ArchDaily. (Trans. 罗靖琳) Accesed . <https://www.archdaily.cn/cn/880072/jean-nouvelshe-ji-de-niu-yue-xin-mo-tian-da-lou-fa-bu-liao-zui-xin-xiao-guo-tu>



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